Author Archives: Ryan Burns
Ignite 6 Streams
You should be able to play both streams to get two views, but you should mute the audio on one of them.
Front Row View
Wide view
Big thank you to our Ignite Sponsors!!!
Ignite 6 Program
Register to attend Ignite 6 at Eventbrite now!
We’re excited to announce our program!!
Improvisation and Meditation Go to College
Ed Sarath – @
Stirling – The Little Engine That Can
Tim Sefton
Humans and Cold: A Love Story
Nick Helmholdt
Life Lessons of Texas Hold Em
Lindsay Allen – @
Electric Power to the Person
Craig Toepfer
Living in a multilingual world
Jinny Bromberg – @
Hiring local, selling global
Mark Shalinsky
Music by The Outliers!
Heavy Metal: A truly under appreciated artform
Anthony Oliver – @
Get your learn on
Ann Arbor Free Skool – @
You don’t pay enough for food.
Robo Robb – @
Pun-nish your Friends
Adam Goodman – @
The Birth and Death of a Solar Electron
Dave Strenski
Data Entry, Coffee Dripping, and other things as Interesting as Watching Paint Dry
Jackie Cohen
You Are An Experimental Film
Donald Harrison – @
Ignite 6 will be November 6th – Call for Speakers
Are you ready, are you set, it’s time again to light it up! Ignite Ann Arbor 6 will be held at Blau Auditorium, at 7pm on Sunday November 6th. We are excited to bring Ignite to Ann Arbor again and are eager to see what the community comes up with.
Ignite talks are 5 minute talks where the speaker gets 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. We think that breeds creativity, and we like to see talks on a very wide arrange of topics, as you can see by looking at some of the previous talks to the left.
If you are interested, please fill out our application, deadline for applying is midnight on Monday, October 10th. We encourage you to talk about something you have experience with, something you’ve done, or something whimsical. Someone recently told me a great talk caused them to rush home and look for more information. But your goal is also to entertain. There is still untrodden territory! After seeing some 70 talks in Ann Arbor so far, we have yet to have had an act of fiction, for instance.
So let’s get your applications in! And if you need some inspiration:
Ignite Great Lakes Recap
Ignite Great Lakes was a great all-lakes Ignite experience, featuring around a dozen Ignite alumni from around the great lakes, including A2 alumni Erik Hofer and Jerzy Drozd. Several hundred people joined the audience at the beautiful Fillmore in Detroit, an audience comprised of a lot of Maker Faire attendees.
Things started off with a BristleBot make competition, and were followed by some great talks, culminating in a sword swallower. What a night!
Ignite Great Lakes
Just one more day until Ignite Great Lakes!
If you’re interested in speaking at Ignite Ann Arbor 6, let us know here!
Maker Faire Tickets
Due to the synergy with Ignite Great Lakes and Maker Faire Detroit, we have two tickets to Maker Faire available to the first person who can correctly email with the answer to this question:
Which Ignite Ann Arbor speaker spoke the words “Because near-space chocolate is awesome!” ?
Organizers and relevant speaker may not claim the prize.
Update: Congratulations to Christopher Lee, who correctly and first answered “Jim Deakins”, Ignite 1 Alumnus whose talk was entitled “Near Space Balloons”
Ignite Great Lakes
Ignite Great Lakes is the first-ever regional Ignite event and it’s being held in conjunction with Maker Faire Detroit, on Sat. July 30th at the Fillmore Detroit!
Date: July 30, 2011
Time: 7pm
Venue: Fillmore Detroit, 2115 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48201
Register now:
More information:
O’Reilly has polled the local Ignite organizers in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Ontario, and has pulled together a list of 13 stellar speakers, including two Ignite Ann Arbor Alumni! If you’ll be in the area we’d love to have you join us. You can sign up for your tickets here:
Better yet, if you’re willing and able to volunteer for the event, you can fill out our form here:
Be sure to get your tickets for what is sure to be one of the most impressive Ignites held to date – let’s make them The Greatest Lakes.
View Ignite Great Lakes in a larger map
Story Collider at AADL This Friday!
Ignite Ann Arbor 4 alum Brian Wecht is bringing The Story Collider to the downtown branch of the Ann Arbor District Library this Friday, March 11th at 7pm! Come check out hilarious and true stories about science at this free Ignite Second Stage event.
Brian’s Ignite talk: